Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mock board experience

I was very aprehensive about today. I was glad it was a patient that i had seen before so I was familiar with how to attack his dentition. I used my orange ultrasonic for the first time and was pleased at its power to blast that tenasious calculus off. We had to wipe his mouth out a couple of times to remove the large chunks. I felt confident in my submission when I was through and was pleased with the lack of findings of the examiner! I am very glad for the experience without a lot of weight on it.


Kami said...

Way to go Vickie! You did an awsome job on your mockboard. You were smart to submit a tough patient so that this was a true test of your skills. I secretly think that it is your head light that gives you such great success. Kind of like your secret weapon. Lol.

Vickie's Side said...

Have headlight, will scale!