Thursday, October 30, 2008

Class 5

Today I saw my first class 5 in clinic. I have had several at the VA. I lucked out in that this was a new patient as well. This patient had spent the last 2 years in Africa. She had made mention that she still had her teeth cleaned every 6 months, but that it is not as thorough as an American cleaning. She was maintaining her pocket depths nicely. She had very little build up at all. She was planning to go back to Africa in Dec. 2008. This time she does not have a return flight scheduled. She is trying to get all her dental work up to date before she goes back to Africa. She graduated here at WSU in 2000 in nursing and wanted to not be stuck doing the ordinary. She mentioned that in one area that she has been working in that there has been a lot of military invasions and a lot of villages burned and inhabitants displaced. She has sold her car and her home to fund her trips. Quite an interesting patient!

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