Wednesday, November 28, 2007

new patient day

Today went better than I thought. I learned that I need to make sure that my mirror has enough lubrication so that I don't pull on moucosal tissue. I goofed and put duplicate films though together and had to have a retake. Things will get better I'm sure as I get more practice!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Emergency Day

Today was a finish up day. We went over where all the first aid supplies are and what kind. I thought that the cake mate was the most unusual piece in the first aid kit. I knew that the cake mate was a liquid frosting, but I never gave it a second thought as a quick substance for low blood sugar. I passed off my last PE which is a great feeling. Wednesday is my Patient day! I'm excited and nervouse.

Monday, November 19, 2007

mock patient

I got here early to set up so I didn't feel rushed or behind. My patient was late so that set my behind. I did not finish the patient and would have to have a second appointment to finish. I am so nervouse about my husband coming in with his commective tissue disorder that I am having anxiety over hurting him and having a light enough touch to not send him into a flare! I need a lot more practice!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Today we worked on each other and did PSIs and sealants on each other. I found that when I did the probing that I was a bit rusty so I will have to practice on that so that I am ready for my mock patient day on Monday!!!!! I will be the clinicain first on Amanda! Things are winding up and it is exciting but scary at the same time!!!!! It was a great day!

Monday, November 12, 2007


Today we did something I already had experience in which is sealants. Anna had quite a few so it didn't take long. I was able to pass off the air-power PE at the same time which was great!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Air-Power Brush

Today we used the air-power brush on each other. First we tried it on a typodont assisting each other with suction. It sure gets the Na Co3 all over. It is amazing how far it travels as an aerosol. It was interesting to use. It reminded me of the times that I have used my husband's pressure washer. We washed a very tarnished penny and made it all shiny and bright. We used it on each other. The spray gets all over the face, napkin, and the lab coats. It was a good day in that I was able to pass off 3 PEs. That is always a plus. I got to looking and there are only 4 more PEs to pass off and then we will be seeing patients. In a was that is exciting and then again, time to be responsible.!!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

ultra sonics

Today we were able to use the ultra sonic scaler! It is really facinating to use. It is easy to glide the scaler over the tooth surface. I found that it requires very little effort to scale around the tooth. My understanding is that it will still leave a residue so you need to check with the scaler when you are finished using the ultra sonic to ensure all artifacts are removed, even the leftovers that are left behind that are loose. I felt more confident in what I am doing. That is a good thing. Good Day.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Today we disclosed, then brushed 1/2 the mouth with the toothbrush, then the other 1/2 with the propy head. I was able to find out what it is like to be cleaned using the brush around the brackets. Anna did a great job! Flossing takes a long time to do. One of the teachers gave Anna a filamented pick to try between the teeth at the gumline instead of using floss. It was great and quite a bit faster! It was also interesting to find out that the fluoride that we have been using at work can be undermining the sealants and composit fillings of the patients that we have been using it on. This is a little concerning to me. Great day in Lab!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Today we scaled a different pod parner's teeth. I had the opportunity to scale Alyse's teeth. They are really clean so there wasn't a lot to take off. She then scaled my teeth, Im glad to be in the program for the fact that my peers will help my keep my teeth clean while I'm in braces! She did get some plaque off as well as help me with some cement removal that we left behind from the recent removal of the buttons from my maxillary centeral incisors. My tongue was always finding it and worrying over it. It is nice to have it smoothed over again.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Scaling and catch up

Today was a more relaxed day!!!! We practiced scaling on the typodont and talking about universal instruments and area specific instruments . We were able to do several PE's to get a bit ahead. A more relaxed day, horay!!!!! The rolling of the instrument around the line angles is coming easier, I hope it will be so when I have the opportunity to work on my pod partner. The strokes are becoming more natural which helps to boost confidence in myself. It was a great lab!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Dental Screening

Today we did a mock run on screening. I was assigned to work with Liz today. She is great and patient with me. It was a good experience. I think a few more times with running through all that we need to do and I think I can do this from memory and feel confident. We used intra oral cameras on each other, quite interesting. Fun!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Today we passed off probing. I wasn't nervous until I had someone looking over my shoulder. The greatest satisfaction was when the TA was checking my probing and a lot of the probe depths were the same as mine! We practiced scaling on the typodont first to get a feel for the scaler and the quick rotation around the line angles. We practiced on our pod partners. The actual teeth are really slippery and besided focusing on how your angulation and grip and turning of the instrument quick enough so as to not gouge the gingiva, you need to make sure the fulcrum is secure to not slip off the tooth. Lots of fun!

Monday, October 15, 2007


Today we did a quick run through with a patient. HHx, Extra, Oral, Probing, and passing off our Explorer PE. I was really nervous by the TA was great help with angulation and helping to feel more comfortable with what I'm doing instead of picking out all the flaws. Things are coming more comfortable and my confidence level is getting better. My PFI index was better so that made me feel better on that aspect of my teeth.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I think everyone was a bit nervous for today. We did disclosing on each other. I thought that I was making a consciouse effort to keep my teeth clean with the braces. I am not doing very well at all. I think that it is time to change my toothbrush after brushing the dye off after disclosing with this new brush. It was interesting to see where I have a tendency to focus my brushing by the pattern of paque pink spots. It is interesting to see the habits that we all have that we are not aware of.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Perio screening

We did the full proceedure from bringing the patient back to HHx, HHxrx, Extra, Intra-oral screening, intra screening was a little scary but I did okay. The most interesting was the mapping out of the mouth and getting the fillings and lesions charted. It seems that I always have a new cheek bite or cancer sore to be reported.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

green sheet charting

Today we probed each other and charted them in our own charts. I have been concerned that I would have areas that would be infected with the braces, I have been trying to concentrate on the bleeding areas that I am aware of. Today I had better probing depths and only bleeding on the two last areas that I have been concentrating on. Over all I think that I am doing alright. Probing is comming easier and the angulation is becoming smoother. If my patient doesn't make mention of any thing being sensitive then I deem that proceedure as a success.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Today we did probing and I found it was not as hard as I thought. The area that I have the most difficulty is in angulation of the mirror to see my probe depths in the molar area. With my braces I was concerned that it would be a great imposition, but she seemed to do well with her angulation in finding the depths she needed. Anna is great to work with. She is really consciencous about her patient and has a gentle touch. I learned about myself with my own probing depths.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Exploring is always good, it is a bit hard when you don't feel confident with the feel of the instrument. I am always nervous for my partner that day. The positioning is getting better. I still need to work on my fulcruming so that it becomes second nature. I wonder when you start to not feel like you are still half lost.

Monday, September 24, 2007

intra oral probing

I was excited to finally be starting to work in the mouth, though nervouse to be gentle enough not be harsh on my first subject. My pod partner is so awesome and we take turns talking our way through the process. I think it helps us both familiarize ourselves with what we are doing to talk out loud. I was concerned to pass off the health history PE, but it went better than I thought.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

intra oral exam

today went great! I found the experience to be quite refreshing in that it was an opportunity to learn more of what my normal features are in the mouth. Having braces made the experience a learning one for my partner as well as myself in that there was an opportunity to note lesions, and measure them and describe them. It is good to learn by doing. Things are making sense to me which is a welcome thing!

Monday, September 17, 2007

extra/oral exams

the extra/oral exams were quite interesting. In all the years I have been going to the dentist, I have never had an extra/ oral exam. I think that to have this part of the exam done before doing vitals would be a good way to help the patient to relax a bit and feel a little more comfortable about being at the dentist. I do think that some consideration needs to be made for ladies that have a set hair style that the clinician not push themselves up so far that the patient's head is rubbing up against their tummy, smashing and dragging their hair around as they move around the patient. Some ladies pay to have their hair done and can only afford to have it done every week or two so they are trying to make it last as long as possible.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Today we did vitals and I thought that it would be very easy in that I was a CNA a little over a year ago, and it was. I remember that I was always concerned about pinching the arm in the cuff. It is easy to hear the beats of pulse through the stethescope. It brought back a flood of memories of working in the nursing home. The TA's were really helpful to walk me through the patient/operator positioning evaluation so that it made sense to me. I am desperate to get the techniques down so that it becomes second nature to me. Everyone is very helpful and patient! It's great!

Monday, September 10, 2007

health histories

Health histories are way more indepth than what is done in the dental office I work for. Getting an indepth background in the conditions of people is helping me to have a complete picture of overall health and how things all relate to each other. I am really glad that I have the lab partner that I do, she is so good to work and consult with. I am also learning more about myself in differing things that I can do to take better care of myself.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Running good

Today seemed to go quickly! We made our own charts, introduced to more of the equipment in the lab and our pod was able to work on passing off three evaluations. The TA's are really great to work with which helps to make learning and the occasional mistakes not as intimidating. I am finding that I am more at ease in the lab and am eager to learn more. My OJT for the last year has helped, but the why's to proceedures and positioning make sense and am incorporating new techniques into everyday practice and am finding things running a bit smoother. There can be fun in work after all!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

answers at last!

This clinic session has been very informative. I have been working at a office with on-the-job-training and wondered about light positioning, what angle is best? What is the best way for angulation with instruments in the mouth for cleanings as well as chair positioning and why I have developed neck muscle pain ever since starting work in the dental profession. I hope that the muscle pain will in time relieve itself. It would make range of motion and sleeping much more comfortable. I wish I had more instruction in helpful hints of posture and patient positioning when I started work so I could have enjoyed assisting more.

Monday, August 27, 2007

first clinic

today was exciting as far as seeing how the proceedures differ from the everyday office setting experience I have been doing for the last year. Staff is wonderful and approachable! Proceedures are straight forward and easy. The people in my pod are great!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007