Monday, March 3, 2008


Today I saw my first endentulous patient. She was so patient and helpful to me. I felt like I was having a day like I was just starting clinic for the first time. I really am lost without teeth in the mouth. I was able to get a pano on her with the help of a staff member. There is a special chin rest to use to try to position the head properly to make up for the loss of dentition space. It is quite different to hold teeth in your hand to scale them, although you get plenty of light to see what you are doing. I was able to get her all done and was excited to see first hand irritation that does appear on the gums when the dentures are worn without letting the tissues rest. I did have the clinic schedule laminated so that I can put it with my charting materials to help me with my time.

1 comment:

The Pyper's! said...

I hope that you passed off your removable prosth. PE too! That is a cool experience! I think that I would feel lost without teeth in the mouth too!