Monday, January 14, 2008

Jan 14

Today was a disaster! I could not get any one to check off my x-rays and waited what seemed like an eternity. This set my behind quite a bit. I became flustered and went blank in the brain. I am learning that in order for me to get my own routine of things done I am going to have to get here a lot earlier so that I can be confident in what I am doing. I am going to have to review my clinic manual more often unitil the pattern of what comes next will be more realistic in my mind. I still think that I need to have my mock pt chart out to be my helpful reminder. I hope Wed. goes better!!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Pyper's! said...

I try to have my mock pt. module out from clinic last semester and it seems to help me. It just helps me to know what comes next and be able to follow the order!! You are doing great Vickie!!