Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Last clinic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I was more concerned at passing off my last PE than I was cleaning this patient. I was able to do x-rays and cleaning, sharing with a pod partner to finish a PE as well and almost had him out at the appropriate time. I am always nervous until I have all the paperwork done and completed before the pressure is off. I'm glad for the upcoming break though!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Last Exam and last 1B

Today went great! I did x-rays and and the whole 9 yards. This patient is particular at having things in her mouth so she was suctioning every few seconds while I was scaling. She also refused ultrasonics so it was all hand scaling. For the first time on a scale check I did not have one area missed!!!!!! That was really exciting. I should finish up my sealant that I was lacking this afternoon then I only have 1 PE left and I have completed all my requirements.!!!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hard day!

Today I had a class II. I haven't had a problem with the other class IIs, but today for some reason it was more difficult. He had a great deal of bleeding. I guess that through me off in that I was afraid that I was digging up his tissues. I wasn't so I guess for some people bleeding goes with the territory. I wanted to finish and do 2 PE's but that didn't happen with the PEs, but I was able to finish the quads that I needed. That just puts a push on getting the last PEs done next week.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


This patient is a class II, III. This man has hypercalcification on the mand. ant. Even though I saw this patient 6 weeks ago he had quite a bit of build up back on the mand. ant. I had to reultra sonic his mand. ant. before completing the maxillary dentition. I had my first experience in feeling what a class II furcation was like. It was very unnerving to sink the scaler down that far into the gumline to feel for calculus. I had a goal to have him complete so that I could have the requirements for my Class III complete today. I MADE IT!!!! I think I might just make it with all my requirements.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

class III

Before I came to clinic today I spent some time looking over instrumentation. I had a goal to get at least 3 quads done on this patient. I felt prepared when I came to clinic. I finished the quad I started Monday and was able to accomplish my goal of having 3 quads of a class III completed!!!!!! I was very greatful that Prof. Costley worked with my showing angles for fulcruming and letting my watch her give LA. She walked my through what to watch for in the shringe preparation and the visual areas to look for when administering LA. I felt much more confident in my abilities after a successful day.